A Brand New Map is Here!

UPDATESorry for the instability and crashes! We are working hard on fixing them. It is always difficult to update smootly with everything that changes.- speed- /flashlight- /butcher Are currently disabled.
Welcome back! A brand new map is finally here.Couple of things to note:1. 1.8 doors will work with lockette if signs are put on the top and bottom2. Armour stands are still classified as entities and will not be 100% functional yet. We need to wait for plugins to be updated3. Voting rewards have changed slightly!4. If you have a build transfer then please PM me to get it imported. You must choose a location for it.5. Please report any bugs to me or a staff member!6. Enjoy!7. Map is about half the size of the previous one. It will be expanded over time.8. To get your donor money you must post on my wall within the next 2 days.