Change of management & Nether/End resets!

Goodevening PvPers
As most of you know, BloodFounded has resigned as Server Manager for personal reasons, although he will remain active as a server tech to assist when needed.
In turn, I've been given the opportunity to take the position from now until the foreseeable future.
I am Jay, a member of the SkyServers community, I've been placed in charge of pushing out events for the community such as Raid Events, PvP Tournaments and ensuring the server runs smoothly.
As for resets, the Nether and the End will be reset on Saturday the 20th of this month, be sure to remove your items before then.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated, either on the forums under 'server suggestions' or in the shoutbox, I actively check both or you can ask me for my skype if you wish to privately message me.
I look forward to seeing you all participating in events and wish you the best in your raids.