Change of Management, Major Server Updates!

Notice: Dates have been changed.
Please see the new Announcement for information!
AusPvP Revamp
~Change of Management~
My name is XerisPvP or Xeris for short and I am the new Server Manager, taking over from

OrphanLauncher. I am 17 years old and attend Year 12 from the state of NSW, and am very happy to be here!
I have been managing servers for 4 years, so I am quite knowledgeable and know what I am doing. If you need help or have any suggestions, shoot me a private message and I will be happy to help.
~Server Updates~
Starting from the 6th of September (Tuesday) at 9:00PM (GMT +10) , we will be resetting the whole server and reverting it back to MC Version 1.8. You should expect around 2-3 days of downtime, if everything goes to plan.A short list of what I will achieve:
- Full server reset including player data and map.
- Reverting version to 1.8.
- Adding newer, more updated plugins, including Custom Enchants.
- All known bugs will be eradicated.
You may be upset about losing your items, and might be confused as to why we are resetting for the second time this year, but do not worry. We must downgrade to 1.8 to:
- Fix cannon mechanics.
- Fix PvP mechanics.
- Fix multiple plugins.
- Encourage more players to join the server.
If anyone has any questions regarding the server reset, please send an Enjin PM to myself, or open a thread on the Forums.
~Raid Events~
After the first week of 1.8, we will hold an event to commemorate the update. A special Raid Event will be constructed, and special loot will be hidden inside! Be the first to get it!A guide will be added to the forums explaining what they are, and tips on how to raid them.
~Staff Updates~
OrphanLauncher has departed the staff team as a Server Manager. Wish him the best of luck!Please welcome Tchimp to the staff team as a Moderator! Good luck on your future.
~Need help or have a suggestion?~
If anyone needs any help or have a suggestion to share, please do not hesitate to use the forums or ask a staff member. If anyone finds a bug, please notify me A.S.A.P. We are working hard to make the community a better one. Remember to read the rules, and..Have Fun!