Introducing myself and Maintenance!

Introducing Myself
Hello people of AusPvP! My name is Puddanator and I will be managing AusPvP from now until the foreseeable future. So, here is a little bit about me and what I do.
My real name is Remy and I am currently 14 living in Brisbane, Australia. My general job for the server is running the community and the server and making sure everyone is having a great time! You may have already seen me around on the server and I am sure I will meet more of you in the future. I thank Tomographix for giving me the opportunity for this position and I hope I can bring an awesome experience to you all!
Tomorow at 9:30 AM (AEST) I will be performing some maintenance on the server. During this time I will be updating plugins, updating the banning system as well as moving a lot of the plugins to use our new MySQL database. This will allow for a faster server and more reliable data storage. I will also be optimizing the server a bit to improve overall performance. Now, I know how much you guys want a map reset and this will be happening soon. Please be patient with me as we build a new spawn and prepare for a map reset. But unfortunately the map reset will not be coming this weekend. My apologies but good things come to people who wait ;). This maintenance should take no longer than 2-3 hours.
Maintenance countdown:
I hope to see you all in-game and play on!