Latest News

I'd like to start this news update by thanking all the players that patiently waited around whilst the server was down recently. We have fixed the issues that was causing this downtime and the server is now back up and running as usual.
Over the next few weeks things will start to change around the server, starting with a new (lag free) Spawn. Other public areas such as the Player Market, Workshop and Market will be changing so make sure you keep an eye out for these new and exciting changes!
We plan to bring back regular drop parties to say thank-you to our players, however in order for this to happen we need enough players online to make the drop parties worth it. Drop parties will be held every Sunday night at 7pm AEST, so come along and enjoy the free loot!

As always the Mining world and the Nether will be reset at the begining of every month. There will be an announcement in game 2 days prior to the resets, ensuring players have enough time to grab their items before the worlds reset.
We would love to hear from you! We want to hear your feedback on the server, staff and any ideas or suggestions you may have. Please feel free to make a forum post or message any member of our friendly staff team.
As always we are still looking for eager players to become helpers, so if you're interested and are 14 years or older click 'here' to submit your application today! Here is a guide on the ideal responses to the questions asked.

That's all the updates for this week! Make sure to check back here for all the latest news updates. On behalf of the entire Sky Servers Tekkit team, I hope you have a great day!