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1.8 clients rejoice!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hello PvPers!
Thanks to the excellent work of _sabrewolf, pvmac, and Tomographix, you can connect to SkyPvP using 1.8 client!
If you see them, be sure to express your gratitude!
If you have any issues with permissions, please notify a staff member immediately so that we can resolve the problem as soon as possible!
Now, for the bad news, when we updated to allow 1.8 clients, all donor /chest were cleared; note, that does NOT include the /echest!What you need to do is contact either Hannahboo96, Lu3ky, phansy, or myself detailing what the contents were on your /chest and we will reimburse you for those items.We apologize for this inconvenience.
~Invite your friends, family, and especially, your enemies!~