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100 Users signed up to the website!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Well we have finally reached 100 users signed up to the website! Congratulations to Doombuddy999 who was the 100th. Also don't forget to press the (green) thumbs up button at the top of the page!
We are very close to getting an automatic voting system for the website which will give you diamonds in-game automatically! This should make this process a lot easier.
I would also like to thank everyone who has voted so far! We are the #1 Australian Server on Minecraft Server list. The top 4 servers paid for the privilege to be before us! Seeing we have only been up for just over a month I think this is a great achievement.
We would also like to apologize about the crashes on the server recently. We have been working hard with our server hosts to fix this.Keep up to good work everyone.Tomo