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Written by The SkyServers Team

Hello players!

Over the last few weeks. Many plugins and features have been implemented to further your experience as a player. Some of these include:

  • The ability to join on 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and now 1.11 clients (not hacked ones)
  • The ability to link items in chat using [Item} (WIP)
  • The chat format has been changed once again due to the aesthetics of the server
  • Custom Death messages
  • A new anticheat to catch those pesky hackers easier
  • And many more!

We also have had a few staff changes lately such as:

-KillSwitchX is now a new moderator to the team. Please give him a warm welcome!

- FuryGold has unforunately left us and we wish him all the best in future endeavors

- xLockzx is currently on holiday and will be back soon!

Staff applications are now open!!

We have many positions to fill so create a good application and you may just land yourself a position on the AusPvP staff team!

You will start to notice a difference in the way the staff conduct themselves. This is due to the fact that we are now approaching a steady player base and thus all staff will be acting in a professional and mature way. Remember, if you have a problem, just ask. We don’t bite.

If you have any problems just send either IZK or Xeris a message in game or on the forums, we will be sure to respond to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you all on the server.


Your SM