UPDATE: Servers are now up! To join skypixel, you join the lobby and go /server skypixel. The IP sky.pixelmc.co is still being fixed, for now join play.pixelmc.co Thanks for being patient everyone!Hey everyone.There was a quick-fix for some server crash errors in Pixelmon 3.1.2. This can be downloaded from here:http://pixelmonmod.com/
We will be updating at 2AM Pacific time. Also, please make sure you have removed the items on your Pixelmon from before the update by putting a new item on there.
Thanks for co-operating with the crashes that were caused by the transition to Pixelmon 3.1.1.There were also a few other bugs, such as the pokemon not being able to fight, which is simply fixed by giving your pokemon a new item. We will be giving out more compensation packages as the time comes, and events when the crashing and bugs seem to slow down.
For your patience we have prepared a compensation pack available for FREE from the shop! Click here to get it!
EDIT:I'm loving all the feedback everybody has been giving us on the SkyBlock pixelmon server. There are still plenty of bugs, and one of these bugs caused the server to completely have to wipe all of the user data files. Sorry about this. Also, we have some awesome plugins being made so keep an eye out!
Thanks everyone!
IMPORTANT: Pixelmon mob riding has been disabled due to a bug which resets all of the stats on a pokemon.