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April DVC Winners and Build Competition Winners + New Build Competition!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Congratulations to the following players for winning the diamond voting competition:
Tutankhamun1333Free rank upgrade on server of their choice
AuFree rank upgrade on server of their choice
SHIFTY_NUGGETZFree rank upgrade on server of their choice
Please PM me with the server you want the rank upgrade on.
Build Competition Winners1st PlaceZpower991,bear1007 And TheToadster$50 Shared Perk VoucherBest fitted for the theme! Also good building.
2nd Placechatmonkey and weegus2000$35 Shared Perk VoucherAwesome build idea and nice details.
3rd Place03creeperslayer and MissWaddles$25 Shared Perk VoucherThe hoodie did it! Never seen one on a statue before.
This Months Theme: SportPost your entries here: Event Entries with 'May' in the title.