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Beginning of the End?

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hello Everyone,

Over the past few days those that watch and follow certain spots in the Minecraft community will have realised that Mojang has now nearly 100% confirmed that they will be making changes and enforcing their End User’s License Agreement (EULA).

Basically this means that if you donate / purchase something off a server it will be breaking their EULA. While this has been stated in the EULA for nearly 4 years now they are about to come to the decision that they will start to enforce it. If you don’t know what this means, it means that the online Minecraft world is about to change forever.

From what most people have understood servers will only be able to pay their rentals and other costs through totally voluntary donations. For example you get $20 and you get nothing in return. Just the satisfaction of keeping the server running.

Now I won’t go into the reasons behind Mojang wanting to start enforcing their EULA as I believe that they don’t really stack up. But basically what this means is that it’s going to be very very hard to keep funding the servers if these changes come into effect. Had Mojang enforced their EULA from the beginning then hardly anything in Minecraft that is here today would have arrived. No minigames, no plugins, very few communities and Minecraft would have almost certainly have ended 3 years ago when players realised that only survival existed. Development for all of that stuff costs time and money - money that only came out of the ability for players to purchase extra abilities.

The reason why I’m telling you this is not to panic you, but simply to alert you to a situation that I believe will do untold damage to the PC Minecraft community. After all it’s the server owner’s ideas and innovation in this game that have kept it going. Not Mojang’s occasional updates which often break more than they add.

So this is just a heads up people. I’ll update you more on the issue if and when Mojang change and start to enforce their EULA. It will mean drastic changes to Sky Servers though. In the meantime enjoy the oncoming shit storm about to arrive on Youtube and Twitter. It’s not going to be pretty.

I will say this. Sky Servers has no intention of closing any time soon even if we are not able to take payments.