Bring a Friend and get Rewarded + Weekend Competitions

Hello everyone! It is time for our first lot of weekend fun on the dedicated. As you know our countdown to 1000 members is currently in progress. We are only 44 members away from this goal. So to reach it even quicker we are going to be handing out rewards this weekend if you bring friends! There are several rules though:
- The friend that you bring must have registered on the website
- The friend must have joined the server between Today (7/9) and Sunday (9/9)
- Place a message on my wall with their name and when they joinedThe rewards!
- We will be handing out awesome rewards such as: /hat, individual mob disguises and /chest!
- The player who brings the most new people will also get a special reward...Please note that it is not acceptable to advertise on other server to attract players.
Weekend EventsThere will be many activities this weekend to celebrate the opening of the new CREATIVE WORLD and one week on the dedicated server! Activities will include:
- Hunger Games Live Streams
- Amazing build contests in the creative world
- Minecraft Zombies is back!
- + much moreSo come online and have a fantastic weekend! Don't forget to bring your friends!