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Build Comp Winners and more information!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Congratulations on the following winners for the build competiton!

1st Place:SmugChimp$20 Perk Voucher2nd Place:satoshisei2$15 Perk Voucher3rd Place:Flashahahh$10 Perk VoucherThis months theme: JungleVoting Winners Crackerjack27$30,000 In-game Cash RedCardKatarina$20,000 In-game Cash VampyMadeline$15,000 In-Game Cash Due to the current voting glitches in the Enjin voting module ingame cash will be given out until Enjin rolls out an update for this problem. Staff Applications Thinking of becoming a dedicated staff member? We are looking for more staff applications!If you are a donor+ and believe you have what it takes to become a staff member apply today at: Player of the MonthCongratulations to M4S0N_129 on being player of the month! Vote for this months here.