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Christmas Build Competition & Hunger Game Winners

Written by The SkyServers Team

Sky Servers EventsIs Hosting An Annual Christmas Build Comp for 2013

Need Inspiration ?

~ Here are last years winners for Christmas 2012 ~
Prize:  (Tomographix to sort)1st ~2nd  ~3rd ~
Rules:1. Must be on an Island2. Group Builds are Allowed (Entry must include everyone's names on Entry!)3. There MUST be a story behind your build4. Must be Christmas Themed
Entry's Close Christmas Eve (at the end of the night)
NOTE** If it is a Group Build, Prizes will be Shared Out.

All Builds Must have a warp. Which Cost 5 Emerald {  warps will be set like /warp <PlayerName>Christmas  }

Sky Servers Events Hunger Game Competition Winners
Over the past 2 Weekends, Sky Servers Hosted A Hunger Games Comp.
Results are in, and we have the Winners.

1st Place:
* Hunger Games Victor Tag* Ultimate Rank

2nd Place:
sparklebubble12* Elite* $20,000.00
3rd Place:NeoTrinity2011* Vip
* $10,000.00