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Christmas Sales!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Merry Christmas PvPers!

From today until January 1st, AusPVP will be having a 20% discount off of ranks ranging from Knight all the way to Spartan! During Christmas day, if players decide to log in, they'll also be given a special kit that can be used only on Christmas day! So, make sure to log on to claim your goodies.

Certain in-game costs, mainly relating to spawners will also have a discount applied for them over the Christmas, giving all players a better chance at obtaining mob spawners for their bases!

The Nether and The End

Both the End and the Nether are going to be reset tonight. Please make sure that any bases/buildings/items that are in there are removed, as there will be no refuns on anything that is in these locations. Players are aware that they both reset, though inconsistently, you are still aware.

Inviting Friends and Family

During the festive season, it's nice to see friends and family log in to play the game with each other, that's why over these holidays, anyone that brings friends to the server that stick around and play for a bit, will be rewarded with various items! These items can range from God Apples, to Mob Spawners.

From all on AusPVP, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!