D Block & Massive Update! (Long post)

Hello there SkyServers Prison people!
We are happy to announce the release of D Block! D Block is a medieval style of build that has houses for the cells that players can now customize and a nice open castle area that allows the players to mine while sniffing the fresh air! This prison block also add a new ore to the mix! I'll let you find out yourself ;)
Thanks Steev_93 for the image!

Now for a long list of updates that we feel all of you should know! I'm not joking, this is going to be a long post!
Auctions has now been removed and has been replaced with a trading plugin. More will be said about the trading plugin later on. The reason why auctions was removed is because it was too spammy in the chat and was causing some scamming and outrageous prices for very simple items. The removal of auctions is not up for debate!
All shops have been redone so prices no longer give as much as they did when we first opened but they still give enough to rank up at a decent enough rate. Shop prices are no longer up for debate because Imortalshard & I feel if we alter them any more they will either be OP or too low. Thanks for your support & ideas with the shops also!
All chat bugs have been fixed as far as we know. The thing we are still tweaking is the message system. Thanks for your patience while we were fixing the /msg bug between other players.
We have adjusted the rank ups to make ranking up harder. The reason why this has been done is because we don't have enough prison blocks at this time to allow players to rank up too quickly. Once we have enough prison blocks we might look at lowering the rank up prices.
We are currently looking at our anti cheat to help reduce some false positives. If it is done correctly PVP and block breaking/placing should become a lot more fluent. Please be patient with us as we do not want to lighten up the restrictions too much.
We have fixed the cells protection system. Chests and other items within cells should now no longer be accessible by players that are not a member of your cell. If there are any problems, please let a Server Manager know!
Cells are now allowed to be customized! This means you can make your own cell look nice! Keep it in mind that cells are not houses, they are there to store items and to privately smelt & craft items!
Mines around the whole server have been going well. Most of them have been extended to fit the demand.
As far as we know most of the PVP bugs have been fixed, so fight to your hearts content! The only PVP bug that we currently know about is the one linking into the anti cheat. We will try to resolve this problem as quick as possible!
Token Shop:
The token shop is still being worked on. Since there have been so many bugs and fixes going on since we have released I have had to set the token shop back so much. At this stage I 'might' be able to get the shop done by the weekend. I need to make sure it is balanced and still rewarding. So keep stocking up those tokens!
Trading has replaced auctions! Trading allows players to trade items for items or items for money! It is now the safest way to give items to other players without fear of it being stolen. We hope you all like this soloution to the removal of the auctions plugin. This is not up for debate!
Vote Party:
Vote party has been extended up to 100 votes because at 50 it was being reached too often. The vote rewards has also been changed so they are not over powered but give balanced rewards now. The rewards will change over time though.
GUI Warp:
We are currently aware that our GUI warp listings is a bit outdated. This is because we are currently looking into another plugin for this. We will keep you all updated as we go about this.
Donor Ranks:
We are currently looking at adding some new abilities to our ranks! We currently have a small team working with Imortalshard & me to work out some suitable abilities that are not overpowered & don't affect gameplay to the point that it ruins it. We will keep you all updated!
Along with this we have released name colours in the donation store, so you can now have a pretty name that stands out in the chat! They can be found here!
Thanks for reading all this if you made it this far! We just want to keep you all updated and on the same page.
Imortalshard & Xgoldenman16X