Excellent News!

Hey Guys!
Your balances have been wiped! :DMore seriously the server yesterday practically pooped itself because of another dodgy factory and a bit of faulty coding. Although we did manage to fix the problem, it still managed to cause lockette to kill itself and give the economy plugin amnesia, aka wipe its databases. In addition a few players may have been rolled back and/or had their inventories lost.Because everyone has been affected, we will not be reimbursing anyone's balances or inventories.
We should have lockette back up shortly.
Now For The Good News!
Due to the unforeseen popularity of the Tekkit server, we have upgraded to 5 GB of ram!!! That means less lag and more features!!! We will monitor our ram usage over the next few days and will assess on what we will be doing.
Thanks to our server host Streamline Servers for putting up with our intensive server. :)
Have fun!~ mrfrase3~MrCutter Aproves this excellent post!