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Farewell MrFrase3, Welcome New Server Managers!

Written by The SkyServers Team

It is with great shame that I farewell MrFrase3 from running our Forge side of Sky Servers. He has decided to take a lessened role in running the community.
Frase was one of the original members of Sky Servers. Having known him from other servers Hurcoli and I invited him to help out with setting up Sky Servers. Mrfrase has been a massive asset to Sky Servers. Both his determination, originality and willingness to help out this community in every aspect possible is a true reflection of who Frase is. Frase started our Forge section of servers on August 26th, 2012 when he opened out Tekkit server. Since then he has been a constant source of energy for improving our Forge servers. We now run one of the best Tekkit servers in Australia and one of the top Feed the Beast servers in the world!
I would like to publicly thank MrFrase for all of his time, effort and motivation that he has poured into the Sky Servers community!
Please thank him for his massive efforts either on his farewell forum topic, or on his wall. (I know he loves the wall spam)

On a brighter note I would like to congratulate xXjordzaXx and Nitro0003 on becoming the new FTB server managers! They will be working closely with the FTB admins and partially with MrFrase3 to fill his big shoes. Nitro0003 will be in-charge of the community side of things and xXjordzaXx will be running the technical side of FTB. Please congratulate both on their new positions!