February Voting Comp Winners

Congratulations to the following winners of the February Voting contest:
- BajanMexican7
- elvenprincess001
- ghostwisker
- lala78999023
Each with 24 votes for the month and receiving a FREE rank upgrade and masterball.
The following players were in the top 10 and also get a free Masterball:
- redstrikerhunter
- Sprinkleni559
- Glitsc
- Orxiginz
- hunterskull157
The voting contest for this month starts NOW!
Server Issues
As of this morning a large variety of server files have been corrupted. Unfortunately these were related to the balance and warp files with the occasional home missing. We have now fixed the corruption issue but are unable to issue compensation for balances at this stage.
EDIT: Server UpdateWe have also updated the server to Pixelmon version 3.0.2. Download it here.