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Forever Falling Fixed

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey guys!
I know that some people have been experiencing infinite falling because you 've failed to load any chunks and that this has been happening to most of our new players. Hopefully this won't be a problem anymore.
To Fix it, just type /warp build4 and then relog if needed
If a new player logs in and starts falling, just tell them to do that.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused and we will continue to look for the source of this problem.
PvP World
You guys have voted on the poll that was up on the forums for about a week and the results came in favor of removing the buggy PvP world and having arenas in the end instead!
The warps to the end are now up at spawn where the old portal used to be, just right click the signs!
There will be more arenas and such in the end coming soon!
Have fun, vote and start using the forums!~ mrfrase3