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Getting Creative!

Written by The SkyServers Team

While we wait for Bukkit to update for 1.7.2 we have given everyone creative! Enjoy this until we complete the map wipe. Type /gamemode to get started.
User of the MonthCongratulations to: TikiCrysis on being the Survival Member of the Month!Vote for this months user here.
VotingCongratulations to:crackerjack27 & jp694 - 1st PrizeBeen7770 - 2nd PrizeDudex0x - 3rd PrizePlease contact me for your prizes!Keep up the awesome work in voting guys as we had a record number of votes with over 3500 of them!
Halloween ContestsWinners will be announced in the coming days. If its a build one make sure to have your entries submitted!