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Halloween Build Comp

Written by The SkyServers Team

Reminder about the build comp with entries closing TODAY! So get building, you only have a week left to create a spooky themed build.

The rules are as follows:

  • You must use all non-creative items, other than that, you use any items that are not banned to create your build.
  • You can join in from the 1st to the 23rd and edit your build right up until the 30th of October so we have a day to judge.
  • The build must be Halloween themed.
  • You will only be given 1 plot to build in. This plot will be fairly large but the size cannot be changed, including the build height limit of the plot.
  • You can only enter once so if you wish to collab with someone, you can't enter by yourself separately as well.
  • You can't use your build for Build of the Week
  • You cannot change the walls or door of your build and you can only build down 1 block

Prizes include ranks for those that win, plus in game prizes