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Written by The SkyServers Team


When: Saturday 31st of October.

Events: Build comps, Scary DJs, Skin contests, Spleef and a load of zombies!!

Prizes: In-Game Cash, Perks, Rank Upgrades and more!

The staff team looks forward to your participation in the events!

In other news,


Tomo has added a new plugin recently, The ability to sit down on chairs, Its rather cool so give it a try, (right click to sit down on any placed chair)
 This plugin was added based on a thread made in the server suggestions part of the forums, If you have any other cool plugins that are harmless to the server make sure you submit a thread in the forums with a link to the plugin.


For those who have bought the Name Tag Prefix, Colour and Suffix, The issue with the tags resetting has been noticed and the plugin is being replaced soon, If it resets again please do not hassle the staff team to change them as none will be fixed until the new plugin is introduced.


As of recently the ability to Buy and sell in lots of 64 at the market is now possible. Hold shift and either right click of left click to use this feature.

Enjoy your Halloween everyone!