Halloween Mini-Build Competition
Halloween Mini-Build Competition
This Fortnights's theme is HALLOWEEN!
You have 2 weeks (17/10/2015 - 31/10/2015 of DD/MM/YYYY)!
Your aim is to scare the admins stiffless! Make them roll over in their sleep while dreaming nightmares of ghastlys hiding behind the cracks in the stairs. It will be judged on how well you can scare us, as it is halloween after all, isn't it?

Build Competition Rules:
1: One entry per person/team. 2: Entries must be original content, no copying Google images!
3: 3 People per team maximum.4: All entries must be posted on the Mini-Build Competition Thread!5: Each entry must be clearly labelled with a photo attached.6: Entries must have a warp set next to them, this will be set for free by staff if required (Only 1 free-warp per entry).7: Builds entered must have been built from the start of the event and not prior to this event. ---In other news:-When changing your name, do not forget to change your character on enjin. If you do not, donation items will be sent to your old name.-Changing your name will result in you losing your badges, homes, /chest, money balance and access to any claimed items (chest, door, furnaces etc.) with lockette. These will not be replaced.-Please do not necropost (reviving old posts) as it spams the forums with resolved issues. Any necro posts will be deleted.