Halloween Sale, Staff Changes & Thank you's

Everyone loves a good sale so I thought:
Halloween sale! For 15% of perks until November 2nd
use the code written above.

First off, I would like to go through the staff changes over the last 2 weeks as there have been lots of them!
Lukethan1 - Admin
OrchidLovely - Admin
BaylorASF - SuperMod
Astro855 - SuperMod
iRees - Moderator
AzumiCat - Moderator
Congratulations to all the people promoted, you all deserve the promotions you recieved!
I would like to say thank you to these people for their outstanding efforts and support through the time that they were staff over on creative, we wish them all the best! Don't become strangers, see you around.

Would you like to receive the hat perk for free? All you have to do is:
Invite 5 of your friends to the server, post the names of these players on LeprechaunMagic's wall & await your perk!

Last but not least...
I would like to thank everyone that has donated this month and even since the beginning of the server, with your genorosity we are able to get advertising slots, develop new perks and maintain the amazing experience over on SkyServers Creative.
If you are a donor and want to become staff, post your application over at: skyservers.net/creativeapp
Have a frightfully good Halloween and see you in November for more creative adventures!