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Written by The SkyServers Team


As many of you know, Instanceofdev has not been on much lately. The reason being is that he has personal concerns that he has to tend to and has resigned as the Server Manager. So, what now? This is where I come into play, my name is BloodFounded and I plan on being the new manager from now until the end of time >=].

So, who am I?

I am... Zach, a member of the community just like you, one that enjoys Minecraft. I'm an Australian, as many of you ( Not all :P ) who play are too. I'm now in charge of making sure the server is running smoothly and engaging the community with events. There may be some changes in the future, but no overhauls. AusPVP 2.0 is no longer in development. Regarding things such as maintainence, there is no plans in the next week to interrupt gameplay, the Nether and the End will be reset on Saturday the 15th of August, so make sure your stuff is out! :)

If you have any concerns regarding the server, or ideas that you wish to be implemented, please message me either through Enjin or post on the AusPVP forums, I'll be checking there regularly so make sure to voice your concerns!

If enough people wish, I can make a seperate Skype account to be contacted on A.S.A.P.