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Lets keep the news fresh!

Written by The SkyServers Team

You may have recently noticed a new market that you can build your own shop in! Never fear though, the old market is there under /warp oldmarket. And now a well deserved staff promotion list!
New SuperMods!dudex0xSa_X116Legend Joshua
New Mods!Nick3975Zack7796Jonathanp679Designx
New Helpers!ChibiQuixoticCoOki3xMoNsTeRflightagressorFluifyjp694m4shermandawg123MonsTheSexyOLGoblinPhil71185roboman410Hydrolobby
Congratulations to everyone! Also, if you're having any type of problem, come join us in TeamSpeak3. You can easily open TeamSpeak by logging into the website and clicking the little button on the bottom right of the screen.