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Major updates & Announcements! (Long post)

Written by The SkyServers Team


First off, what a fantastic first 10 days for creative and the SkyHub network. During the short time we were live last month we took over 300 dollars in donations, which is a fantastic place to be. Donating allows us to invest in developers to build new plugins and pay for the server rental.

This month is also the release of the first ever build competitions. However these are a little different to the Survival server. These competitions will run for one month only.

The themes this month will be:



The rules for this competition are:

Must be built in a plot

Must be your own work and not taken from the internet

The prizes for the competition winners: (There will be winners for both themes)

1st Place: $25 Perk Voucher

2nd Place: $15 Perk Voucher

3rd Place: $10 Perk Voucher

Plot PvP & More:

This week will see the lauch of Plot PvP a completely custom made PvP system to be used in your very own plots. You can build your plot however you wish and then create a tournament where anyone can join and play with random classes.

Plot PvP will be available to everyone.  This plugin has been custom coded especially for SkyServers creative. More games will be coming soon such as TNT Chase + Spleef. This is going to allow anyone to host a PvP tournament, anytime. There will be official PvP Maps created and run by staff members at weekends. These will be accessible by going to /warp plots

More information on PlotPVP rules, classes and how to set it up will be announced in the coming days!


Voting gains you access to WorldEdit (Limited) & Redstone access for 24 hours. To vote simply vote on the module labelled 'voting' on the right handside of this page.

At the end of month there will be a winner who will receive a $20 Perk voucher to spend in the perk store.

Builder applications:

On Thursday 4th June builder applications will be opened for applications! If you feel like you have a build worthy of a builder rank please make sure a staff member sets a warp for you. The application will be judged by myself and a few builders. If you are a non donor you are able to achieve the rank DefaultMasonry and no further at this time. If you are a donator and wish to apply then you are able to achieve Masonry, Builder, Lead Builder, Master Builder.

Bug Fixing / Updates:

Since the release of the server I have been working non stop to try and fix all the issues that have come up. Any issues that are still causing an issue on the server need to be forwarded to a staff member to inform me, or even better directly to me.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to message me on the forums and I will consider it very carefully.

Helper applications:

Helper applications are currently open to donators on the server. If you wish to become part of the staff team please head over to