Map 3 SOTW

Map 3 SOTW
Friday, 10th of November, 2017, 5PM AEST
Faction Teams! F Top Prize!
For map #3 of factions there will be teams of 20 people, 25 power per person and each faction is only allowed one ally. The winning faction of F Top will be awarded with $100 and the runners up get $20!
The biggest change going into base defending next map is the max 10 chunk claim buffer from your base, this means raiding is much more viable and should increase the competitiveness of the map
Regens, AC130's and boat cannons have all been disabled.
New Changes
Map 3 has undergone many changes over the past couple weeks to make it feel like a completely new experience. Many of the problems from last map have been fixed and lots of new things have been added from all the suggestions I've been getting.
Some of the main changes are:
- Improved GUI shop
- Reworked custom enchants
- Reworked economy
- Brand new anti-cheat
- 1 Corner claim per faction
- Gapple PvP
World Changes
- 4k map border
- Claiming allowed
- No naturally spawning mobs
- No natural spawners
- Flat bedrock floor
- 2k map border
- Custom Biomes
- Claiming denied
- No natural spawners
- 1k map border
- Bedrock Floor
- Claiming Allowed
Good luck to everyone competing next map!
- Zylon