Massive Monthly Update!

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone has had a great first month of 2016! January was a quiet month for Creative. Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances Player of the Month voting went up far too late. This month is a fresh start and BaylorASF will be stepping up to run player of the month for the forseeable future.
February POTM nominations thread: CLICK HERE!
Players that have been visiting the server in the last 2-3 days will have noticed particular asthetic changes, including new Prefix tooltips, changes to spawn, new & improved announcments. This month will see a few things coming into effect. These include:
1. New Donator rank [6th Feb]
2. New staff joining the creative team [4th Feb]
3. Voting rewards improving - More WorldEdit!
4. New perk being added [13th Feb]
5. Perk sale for Valentines week
6. Increase to plots for default players from 2 to 3 [4th Feb]

Free perks will be given to players who have invited people. The player must have joined the server and musn't be an alt account.
Invite 5 players =Hat perk
Invite 10 players =Extra 5 plots
Invite 15 players or more = Particle trails perk

KingBob12th - Acting Admin
UnicornAmazing - PreMod > Moderator
Swazzleman - PreMod > Moderator
Lukethan1 - PreMod > Moderator
If you would like to become staff on Creative & you have donated $5+ head to the APPS PAGE

The theme for this months build competition is:
Valentines Day OR Chinese New Year