Monthly Post
Hello Pixelmon Players!

New Features!
We have introduced a new plugin which enables you to answer polls in game by typing /choose. This will bring up a GUI menu where you can click on your answer to the poll. Keep an eye out for these - each poll you answer will give you a masterball!
Voting Competition!
Everybody congratulate Jawky, Ender_Gamez and Darkstar3241 on winning a free rank upgrade!
All votes have been reset for this month, so will you be able to win it this month?
Build Competition
July's winners are as follows:
pacman9375 with /warp Pac ($30 store credit)
TastyzAppLE with /warp LastKing ($15 store credit)
PurpZap, pitty1705 and Designx with /warp Tsukaba ($6 store credit)
This month's theme is: Landmarks!
If you would like to submit an entry for the August build comp, please click here!
Closing date for entries to the build competition is the 29th of August.
Player of the Month
Everybody congratulate Jawky and South_North on becoming our Player's of the Month!
You can now make new nominations for August's POTM by clicking here!
Elite 4
The Elite 4 is now open at /warp Elite4 - In order to battle the Elite 4, you will need to have collected the 8 player gym badges by battling and defeating our gym leaders.
To challenge the Champion, you must defeat all the Elite 4 members in a row without fail. If you challenge the Champion and win, you will be rewarded with a shiny of your choice! (This includes legendary pokemon!!)
Elite 4 leaders
Ghost leader - Jawky
Water leader - TastyzAppLE
Steel leader - MrDJGreyhound
Bug leader - Darkstar3241
Champion - South_North
If you would like to apply to become a gym leader, please click here!