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Monthly Post

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hello Pixelmon Players!

Voting Competition!

Everybody congratulate CharredSkies_, Darkstar3241 and TastyzAppLE on winning a free rank upgrade!

All votes have been reset for this month, so will you be able to win it this month? In order to get the most out of your votes, click here!

Build Competition

August's winners are as follows:

Blackaddicus with /warp Triomphe ($30 store credit)

WanPunch with /warp PyramidBuild  ($15 store credit)

ShipleyHD with /warp Shipstop ($5 store credit)

This month's theme is: Olympic/Paralympic Games!

If you would like to submit an entry for the September build comp, please click here!

Closing date for entries to the build competition is the 28th of September.

Player of the Month

Congratulations to KittenChan on becoming our Player of the Month for August!

You can now make new nominations for September's POTM by clicking here!

Gym Leader Applications

If you wish to apply for gym leader, make sure you check out the Gym Leader Application form by clicking here! Please ensure you check out the list of current Gym Leaders before applying to check that the gym you are applying for has an open slot, you can do this by clicking here!