Monthly Recap

Welcome to August! The last update for 1.14 has officially been rolled out in the past few weeks from Mojang meaning that they are 'done' trying to fix the numerious issues that 1.14 still has. Hopefully this now means that groups like PaperSpigot will attempt to try and fix the performance issues that are still present in this update. In the meantime, I have been busy working with developers to optimise the server. We are now able to hold around 60 online without major issues with the TPS which is fantastic! There are still some bugs in regards to breeding, /protect and other areas which I will be working on this month now that the lag is somewhat better.
There is no ETA for the return of the Shamans at this stage. Zeph and RySci are currently testing a new custom enchantment plugin, which, if successful should allow us to bring them back. It has been another busy month on the server with a fantastic player count - so thank you all for playing.

Congratulations to M4S0N_129 and Toxic_Piglet for becoming our POTM and SOTM respectively. Don't forget to congratulate them when you see them ingame. We had a lot of nominations last month which was fantastic to see so many people involved.

The build competition last month was a massive success with the theme of 'Asia' really inspiring some fantastic entries from the community. sxjx had a very hard time judging the entries so this month I am pleased to announce that we have prizes for four different entries.

1st - Nightwicks & ItsMons @ /warp nmb - $20 Perk Voucher
2nd - Auqaduct @ /warp temple - $15 Perk Voucher
3rd - Red_Dust_Bunny @ /warp farmlet - $10 Perk Voucher
4th - DodgeWatt @ /warp dodgedojo - $5 Perk Voucher
Congratulations also to our voting winners from last month with 4 people all tied for 1st place on 155 votes.
irick092 - $10 Perk Voucher
aquaduct - $10 Perk Voucher
crackerjack27 - $10 Perk Voucher
epa139 - $10 Perk Voucher
Please send myself, JoshyLake or Its_Zephyr a PM on the website with what you would like to use your perk vouchers on!