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Monthly Recap

Written by The SkyServers Team

Mojang missed a trick when they released 1.14. It should have been done for Halloween so it could be called the "Horror Update". The server has been having fairly serious performance issues which I am trying my best to fix. This is the priority at the moment before fixing other bugs like /chest and prefixes. We are expecting more updates from Mojang in regards to 1.14.4 and potentially .5 over the next few weeks to address more bugs and performance problems. Until these updates drop, community groups like PaperClip who do amazing optimisation work for the servers won't be doing a large amount of work as each sub-update breaks what they do.

Anyway, onto the monthly recap.

Important Notices

  • Cosmetics have returned! You can now access them again via /cosmetics.
  • 1.14 items have also been added to /warp market.

Congratulations to MoonGiggles220 on SOTM and TheLintInYourPjs on POTM this month. Don't forget to congratulate these guys when you see them ingame!

Congratulations to our top monthly voters this month! Please send me a PM to redeem your perk voucher.

Rewards this month are $15 for First Place, $10 for Second and $5 each for Third.

Congratulations to our build comp winners this month! Some of the entries looked really pretty. Thanks to sxjx for judging as well.

First Place - Light_Wolvez at /warp wolvezgarden - $15 Perk VoucherSecond Place - ItzJelleGames at /warp up - $10 Perk VoucherThird Place - Moongiggles220 at /warp mooncolour - $5 Perk Voucher