Monthly Recap

Welcome to another month! Thankfully, Mojang and PaperSpigot have been working hard (one more than the other) to deliver a much smoother and stabler playing experience in 1.14. There are still performance issues and not all of our plugins have been re-enabled yet. This will continue to improve over the coming week and I thank you for your patience with the issues.
For those of you with a build-transfer, you can now contact Its_Zephyr in-game to get these imported.
Congratulations to our top monthly voters this month! Please send me a PM to redeem your perk voucher.
$15 for First Place, $10 for Second and $5 for Third.

Our build competition this month, unfortunately, did not get enough entries. For those who have entered, you will receive 10k from Zeph or Joshy so contact them in-game to get your money. This month's build competition theme is Colourful! The more colourful the build is the better it is!

Congratulations to SimCube and Its_Zephyr on being our POTM and SOTM this month. Zeph has been amazing in helping the server transition to 1.14 so please thank him ingame!

Selfie CompThank you to everyone who entered! Congratulations to the following winners who will receive:1 X Meme Theme trophy PLUSFirst Place - LordChesburger - $10 Perk VoucherSecond Place - Eagle03 - 30k ingame cashThird Place - MoonGiggles220 - 15k ingame cash

And of course a monthly message from our fantastic event managers!