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Monthly Update (Late)

Written by The SkyServers Team

First off apologies for the delay in creating this post, I have been otherwise engaged with life outside of the minecraft and SkyServers community. I will try to make sure that everything is on time next time.

The winner of the September player of the month was 5SecondsOfBVB!

So a massive congratulations to her on becoming the first ever Creative player of the month. Thank you to everyone that took the time to vote and well done to all the runners up!

This month will see the implementation of several updates to the chat filter & several improvements to the server to make it run a little smoother. Sadly there were not enough build entries this month, therefore a winner will not be announced, sorry. There will also be a jail being added to the server, which means that the punishment system will be slightly altered come the end of the month.. that being said;

The October build competition:

The best jail created will become the jail on the creative server in which all the naughty players will suffer! Providing there are more than 8 entries for the build competition this month, prizes will be given out to the winners!

Will you be the next Creative player of the month? The link for the player of the month thread will be linked shortly!