Monthly Update: May

A new month already, this year is rushing by. A monthly update on time? I know, miracles do happen! This month is going to be a little quiet for Creative with no major changes taking place. I will very quickly explain why. I am approaching Exam season at University, with two further assignments to complete before May 20th requiring between 60-90 hours of work. June & July will see some big changes coming to Creative to make it bigger, better and more populated.
In the meantime, I will be making changes behind the scene by updating plugins and preparing my staff team to be on the server helping you guys out while I am inactive. I will still be contactable, you may just have to wait longer for replies.
This month, May 21st marks one year since SkyServers Creative opened, so there will be a few events on the server and a huge sale for the entire weekend!

April winner & Newest Admin!

Congratulations and well done on the recent promotion!

Lets keep the donations up this Month guys, it helps the server out with rental costs, getting the website developed, getting new plugins created and allowing Sky Servers to expand into a bigger range of servers!
Staff applications are open to everyone, if you'd like a shot at being a PreMod, then feel free to apply, remember to put spell check on, write plenty and show your enthusiasm, you can never be too enthusiastic.

We need to get more entries to the build competition this month! Remember that only a couple of hours could lead to up to $20 worth of perks.. for free, oh and of your own choosing! Not bad really.
For the people that entered this month, you will all recieve $5000 in game for making an entry!
This months theme is:

Best of luck, have a go, even if you don't think you're much of a builder.. there is only one way to advance your skills! See you all soon, have a great month!