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Monthly Update

Written by The SkyServers Team

Welcome to December everyone! November was a very busy month behind the scenes with a whole pile of changes and improvements getting done. December will be a super busy month as a result with heaps of activities and fun planned.

Our fantastic Event Managers have organised a massive month:

Minigame Frenzies - 4-6pm

  • Dec 1st
  • Dec 8th
  • Dec 15th
  • Dec 22nd
  • Dec 29th

Special events also include:

Staff headhunt - 21st at 6pm

Riddles start at Dec 8 - 14th

Xmas Eve Fireworks - 24th at 7pm

NYE Fireworks - 31st at 4pm

All events are based off Sydney time.


1st place - 50k - Toxic Piglet for this roast on HeyItsDannnyy "It's the year 2035. Tomographix now owns minecraft, Baailey finally got a system upgrade so now he can express emotion, Matty has completed his manga collection, Sam has finally learnt how to use World Edit, Tiggy has come out as a furry with pride, Spirit has now moved on to saying "owo", Coz finally got assigned a job (we are yet to see him finish it), Nightwicks has only just finished her last exam, Spacey replied to someone with a fully formed sentence, Been has finally been demoted to PreMod, Hurcoli_ is now active on Sky Servers, A4 finally got a hobby (that isn't SS), Moon has finished all of her builds - finally, DontTouchMeFish has overcome her trust issues and has let people touch her fish, Indi has finally found a new hairstyle, and HeyItsDannyy is still Moderator."

2nd place to my_name_rules for this roast on baailey "I'm back on minecraft after over a year off, and you're still here, that's just great. Maybe I should go again."

3rd place to SmolJess for this roast on A4_Papers "Everyone’s entitled to fail once in awhile, but you really abuse the privilege." Honorable mention ">Connected with MineChat >Typo on spelling "shut up" >Swearfilterbypass.png >triggers 11 hours of test56" - SmolJess to Spiritdox


This Christmas, send your friends a personalised Christmas Card! You'll be able to change the recipient and the sender names when you redeem the token, so your friends know it's from you! There will also be Christmas Marketplace items you can include in your gifts to your friends at /warp sale! Happy Holidays!


Click the image to find out more!


A big thanks to _fluent for their help in setting these new ideas up as well!

Congratulations to BacoAndEggs and Toxic_Piglet for becoming our POTM and SOTM respectively. Don't forget to congratulate them when you see them ingame and thank you for being an amazing part of the community!

There were many fantastic entries in our 'Famous Landmarks' competition last month. Unfortunately, we did get the minimum 10 requred entries for perk vouchers so everyone who entered will receive 40k ingame cash instead. This month's theme is 'Christmas'!

Congratulations to BacoAndEggs, VampyMadeline, crackerjack27, sxjx, irick092 and _enfour for all coming equal 1st in voting last month. You will all receive a $10 voucher each! The three players listed above will also get the ingame rank.

Please send myself or Baailey a PM on the website with what you would like to use your perk vouchers on!