Monthly Update

Welcome to the spookiest month of them all! October has arrived and so have school holidays for many of you. September was another busy month on the server with a highlight being the recent End opening and Area 51 raid event.
This was one of the biggest events yet on Sky and it was fantastic to see so many online enjoying the hard work put in by everyone who helped organise it.

We also saw the return of the Sky Shaman which distributes cool custom enchanted books for 5 Skylights each and the introduction of the new Kadji where you can buy magic dust.
Congratulations to Kelriah and Its_Zephyr for becoming our POTM and SOTM respectively. Don't forget to congratulate them when you see them ingame and thank you for being an amazing part of the community!

We had some very creative build competition entries in this month. It was very exciting that we also got more than 10 entries!
1st - Nachose with /warp alien
2nd - Toxic_Piglet with /warp toxicalien
3rd - Oddments with /warp oddmentsbotm
Congratulations to our winners who pickup a $15, $10 and $5 per voucher and a commendation as well to crackerjack27 for their fantastic entry.

For the September Voting Competition:

sxjx - $15 Perk Voucher
Mattys98 - $10 Perk Voucher
irick092 and crackerjack27 - $5 Perk Voucher
Please send myself or Its_Zephyr a PM on the website with what you would like to use your perk vouchers on!