SkyServers Logo

Monthly Update

Written by The SkyServers Team

Welcome to another month on Sky Servers! Most of the lag issues with 1.14 have thankfully been resolved. It is now just a matter of fixing all the remaining issues with plugins.

This month we said goodbye to our Staff Manager Joshylake. Joshy has been in and around Sky Servers since he joined in 2012. We wish him all the best with his IRL endeavours and I would personally like to thank him very much for all of his hard work as a Staff Manager.

On the bright side - the Sky Sharmans will be back this month with a whole pile of new rewards.

Congratulations to Tiggyy and NammyBear for becoming our POTM and SOTM respectively. Don't forget to congratulate them when you see them ingame and thank you for being an amazing part of the community!

Unfortunately, we did not get enough entries for our build competition last month. All 7 entries will get a cash bonus ingame! Please message me to redeem it.

Notiable mentions for:

MagicalPillz - warp magictemple

Kaamexe - warp piratecove

Annton - warp anntonbc

mechaslime - $15 Perk Voucher

sorrowmouse - $10 Perk Voucher

swoz, _enfour and crackerjack27 - $5 Perk Voucher

Please send myself or Its_Zephyr a PM on the website with what you would like to use your perk vouchers on!