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Monthly Update

Written by The SkyServers Team

April is here! We will be having Easter Events later this month which should be great fun. In the meantime, there has been lots of activity patching bugs on the server with voting and permissions. I am still yet to find a custom enchantment plugin that I am happy with unfortunately, to replace SkyRunes.

In the meantime, Joshy and Zeph have greatly expanded the selection of rewards in our Reward Store! You can now get enchanted books using website points.

Unfortunately, we did not get enough entries to give out perk voucher rewards this month. Everyone who entered however, will receive $10,000 ingame.

Bonus cash will be given to:

1st Place - Free_Range_Eggs - $25,000

2nd Place - Endy & Splorb - $15,000

3rd Place - Maximio - $10,000

We had a tied Staff of the Month result for March with SpiritDox and ItsMons both doing extremely well! Moonbailey has taken out POTM once again so congratulations!

Once again we did pretty well on the voting considering the bugs with rewards and vote parties.

In total, 4 people ended up with 155 votes. Congratulations to:

baailey - $10 perk voucher

_enfour - $10 perk voucher

mechaslime - $10 perk voucher

samanthajayne - $10 perk voucher

Don't forget, you can download our own texturepack to see all of the cool cosmetics that people wear ingame! The special Easter models will be available in the server store later this month.