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Mumble Server

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey all,

Many of you have been asking for some sort of voice server so that you can communicate with each other. We have got a mumble server!

Click here to go to the chat page where you will be able to watch live streams, type in a chat box and login to our Mumble server.

What is Mumble?

Mumble is a low-latency, high-quality communication tool for gamers. It links in with the game so that the voice of the players comes from the direction that they are in on the map. Mumble also has echo cancellation so the sounds from your loadspeakers won't be audible to other players.

To download Mumble Click Here

It is fairly straight forward to install. Simply follow to prompts.

Label: Sky Servers


Port: 60293

User Name: (same as in-game)