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New Stuff!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hey guys some cool new stuff has been added to the server! This includes stuff such as our new market and build. Along with 2 new perks which can be found in the tekkit shop!
We should have some more stuff coming soon so please be patient. The server has been going exceedingly well and we thank thank you all for sticking with use through the first starting hiccups :)
-To get to the new market it /warp market - There you can buy and sell your items and take advantage of our new chest shop perk which is listed in the shop. A free shop comes with the perk so get in quick before all the shops run out!
-Also we have a brilliant new build, to get there is /warp build2 - Credit to Kingbob12th for building and successfully getting creator for his hard work.
Thank you all for playing and hope to see you enjoying yourself in game!