New Stuff On The Block...

Firstly we would like to thank all the staff and players for the hard work they have been putting in to SkyBlock. We very much appreciate the effort, which continually makes our server a safe place to hang out. GJ Guys!
Congratulations to our new staff members, and those that have been promoted. You have done an amazing job this month, as well as the wonderful effort put into the applications received.

POTM is up again now, so don't forget to pop on over and show your fav players some love!!!
(Sorry guys, can't vote for staff this month though).

Within the next 72 hours, we will be having a nether reset. Yes!!! *fist pump*
Special Thanks:

Thank you so much to our own Special Leprechaun who helped us from the other side of the world in making this post. Awesome work team!
Here's hoping you are feeling the love after this update,
ServerMum and CominTHRU
Pssst... We can't forget STEEV!!!