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News Update

Written by The SkyServers Team

Whats Happening?We are planning on building a new spawn soon and WE WANT YOUR IDEAS!!! We want it to be space themed to match galacticacraft but we also want it to be unique, not a spawn that comes from another server. Feel free to either post a comment below with your ideas of to send a message on enjin to a staff member.New events for event night include: Hunger Games, PVP Parkour and Capture the FlagA new $150 donation rank is being released entitled: Master Astrologer. Those who have purchased this rank will recieve:- Dimensional anchor access- Unlimited homes- Unlimited claim blocks- Usage of 3 quarries- Disguise as an enderdragon- /Nick for yourself onlyMore coming soon!!!A heap of staff changes have been made and are listed below!| | |VVV
New StaffChanges to current staffRank ChangesHelpers:ebthing         nzzaneBoomChookGrumpy888SHIFTY_NUGGETZDrayciaAerospacejunkielerber
Staff Manager:Molz_Yeowie
Server Managers:SuperG33KxxjordzaxxNikon
Event Night Every Sunday!!!Event night is held every Sunday evening from 7pm until 9pm (AEST) so jump on for a fun filled night every week run by our faithful event manager and admin CoZZaFTW

Mining World and Nether Reset!!!The Mining World and the Nether will be reset on the 1st of June at 7:30pm (AEST)

Helper Applications Always Welcome!!!
Don't forget that helper applications are always welcomed! So please if interested DON'T be afraid to apply and make sure you follow the application and use lots of detail