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November Build Comp + October Build Comp & Voting Winners

Written by The SkyServers Team

Our November build competition will have the theme:
Ice Themed Build!
1. Your build must be original.2. Teams are allowed.3. Warps for the build comp are free.
Prizes: Will include store credit for 1st, 2nd and third. Congratulations to last months build comp winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of the October build competition!

1st   Sgt_Kiila$30 store credit

2nd  Zapooferz$20 store credit

3rdEloise78$10 store credit

Please contact been via the website in regards to the usage of your store credit!

Voting Winners
1. S0apyjam
2. Jackolenko
3. Shibby1

They all win a free rank upgrade! Please contact been with your current rank.