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November Monthly Post

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hello Pixelmon Players!

Photo Competition

Everybody congratulate the winners of the Photo Competition:

1st Pitty1705 - $30 in store credit

2nd Ultra__ - $15 in store credit

3rd CallMeSpoonz - $5 in store credit

Please can the winners post on my wall or message me in game to redeem their prize.

This months theme is Selfies! Take the most amazing selfies of yourself and your friends or even your favourite pokemon! Your face must appear in the picture.

Enter the competition and read the rules here!

Player of the Month

Everybody congratulate South_North on being October's Player of the Month and winning a free rank upgrade!

Are you able to win this months? Vote here!

October Tournament Winners

We hope that everybody had an enjoyable time battling it out to find who has the strongest level 1 Pokemon! The winners are as follows:

Tournament A

1st Ultra__

2nd DarkStar3241

3rd Glapaboyz

Tournament B

1st Shyry123

2nd MdShadowman


To be in for a chance to win $100 worth of perk vouchers to spend on a server of your choice, hand us some feed back at and it would be much appreciated!

We hope that everybody has had a sp00kiful halloween and not had too many haunters in the streets as that would be ghastly!