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November Tournament (Small Update)

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hello Pixelmon Players!

November Tournament

The sign-up thread for the November Tournaments are now on the forums and the link to it can be found here! This month's tournament will be held over the weekend of the 19th and 20th of November and is open to all Pixelmon players. All the details regarding the tournament can be found on the forums. Good luck to those of you who enter!

Gym Leader Applications

If you wish to apply for gym leader, make sure you check out the Gym Leader Application form by clicking here! Please ensure you check out the list of current Gym Leaders before applying to check that the gym you are applying for has an open slot, you can do this by clicking here!

Specifcally, Rock/Ground gym leaders are currently a priority, however applications to all positions are welcome!

SS Survey 2016

The official Sky Servers survey will close in less than 24 hours! If you want the chance to win $100 of perk vouchers to spend on a server of your choice, then please fill out and submit the feedback form at: