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Player Gym Update

Written by The SkyServers Team

Hello Pixelmon Players!

Player Gyms

The player gyms are now fully functioning and all gym leaders (except newer recruits) are ready for you to challenge them! They can be found at /warp pgym1 -> /warp pgym8. If you wish to battle a leader who is not currently online, type '/mail send <Gym Leader's Name> <Message>' to let them know you're looking for a challenge and they will be in contact. The current gym leaders are as follows:

Rock/Ground Gym: TheReaperSilent & Zync_

Fighting Gym: BlazingPro & Seraphixe

Normal Gym: HannahBoo96

Water Gym: Teamwater321 & Megagreifer

Flying Gym: South_North

Psychic Gym: Dragonx4568 & BurgerChips

Fire Gym: SupaEli

Electric Gym: Darkstar3241

Elite 4

As the gyms are a success, we are planning on opening up the Elite 4 & Champion within the next few weeks! We've had some great feedback in terms of applications and all have been thoroughly reviewed, however they are still open and you can apply using this form!

Also...Congratulations to iRees on becoming a Gym Manager! As I will be away for the next 1-2 weeks on vacation, he will be in charge of the gyms and all questions relating to the Gyms or the Elite 4 should be sent to him instead.
