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Player of the month Polls are up!

Written by The SkyServers Team

Thank you to everyone that nominated players via our forum!

You have all done so well this month! Keeping the chat active and friendly, Assisting new players, Participating in events to keep this community active, Even assisting staff with reports! Making our tasks so much easier.

Those nominated are players that are very valuable to not just the server, But to the players in the server!

As I always say, "You are what makes this server a community, Rather than just a 'Server'".

Only one will win July's player of the month. Only one will receive the POTM exclusive prefix  As well as being featured on the home page

The Nominees are :










All of these Nominees had proven to not just staff, But users of the community, That they are valuable, For everything they do. From keeping the chat alive, To assisting any player that needs it. This also proves that you don't have to be staff in order to help users!

You can vote via the link provided

Click here for Poll

Good Luck


Server Admin | Acting Events Admin